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Cardiology Summit 2022

About Conference

About Conference

We cordially welcome the expertise of Cardiology and Healthcare to the event 15th Global Cardiology Summit which will be held in Madrid, Spain during August 08-09, 2022Cardiology Cardiology Summit 2022, a platform to bring together world-class cardiologistscardiac surgeonscardiac professors and healthcare expertise to discuss strategies for remediation of the disease for cardiac disordersCardiology Summits are designed to provide a diversified education and present latest technologies in order to keep medical professionals updated with current trends in the field of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac diseases. The focus is to spread the awareness about challenges in the field and how to prevent and manage the advanced techniques.  

Cardiology Summit 2022 melds brief keynote presentations, speaker talks, Exhibition, Symposia, Workshops, Speaker sessions. It welcomes the Cardiologists, Surgeons, Physicians, and Academicians from cardiology as well as healthcare sectors to be a part of it. The event will definitely add value in the professional field of participants. Cardiology Summit 2022 is the annual meeting conducted with the support of the Members of Organizing Committee and Editorial Board of the supporting cardiology related journals and is aimed at helping support healthcare professionals.

Why to attend?

Cardiology Conferences is a best suitable platform where you can meet cardiologists and cardiac experts from all over the world. Encounter the target market with members from across the globe, committed to learn about novel technologies and innovations in Cardiovascular Care. This is the best opportunity to outreach the largest gathering of participants from around the world. Conduct presentations distribute and update knowledge about the advancements in different fields of cardiology by receiving name recognition at this 2-days event. World-wide eminent speakers, recent researches, latest treatment techniques and the advanced updates in Cardiology are the principal features of this conference.   

Target Audience:

Cardiology Summit 2022 welcomes:

Conference Opportunities

For Researchers and Faculty Members:

  • Speaker Presentations
  • Poster Display
  • Symposium hosting (4-5-member team)
  • Workshop organizing
  • For Universities, Associations & Societies:
  • Association Partnering
  • Collaboration proposals
  • Academic Partnering
  • Group Participation
  • For Students and Research Scholars:
  • Poster Competition (Winner will get Best Poster Award)
  • Young Researcher Forum (YRF Award to the best presenter)
  • Student Attendee
  • Group registrations
  • For Business Delegates:
  • Speaker Presentations
  • Symposium hosting
  • Book Launch event
  • Networking opportunities
  • Audience participation
  • For Product Manufacturers:
  • Exhibitor and Vendor booths
  • Sponsorships opportunities
  • Product launch
  • Workshop organizing
  • Scientific Partnering
  • Marketing and Networking with client


Sessions and Tracks

Track 1: Cardiology

Cardiology is a medical specialty and is a branch of internal medicine which deals with the disorders of the heart. An expertise in heart disease or cardiovascular disease may be referred as cardiologist. They are also referred as clinical cardiologists who focus on the diagnosis, medical management (use of medicines), and prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Recommended: Cardiology Conferences | Cardiology Meetings | Heart Conferences | Cardiology Congress | Heart Congress | Cardiology Events Cardiology Conference 2022

Tracks 2: Cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a term used for the conditions or class of diseases which involve heart or blood vessels. It is a leading cause of death globally. It's usually associated with a build-up of fatty deposits inside the arteries and an increased risk of blood clots. It can also damage the organs such as the brain, heart, kidneys and eyes. The exact cause of CVD isn't clear, but there are lots of things that can increase risk of getting CVD. The main risk factors for CVD are high blood pressure, smoking, high cholesterol, diabetes, inactivity, being overweight or obese, family history of CVD, ethnic background, age, gender, diet, alcohol etc. According to World Health Organization, 17.9 million people die each year from CVDs, an estimated 31% of all deaths worldwide. To prevent the risk of CVD it is very important to follow the healthy lifestyle.

Recommended: Cardiovascular Conferences | Heart Disease Summit | Heart Disease Conferences | Heart Failure Meetings | Cardio care Congress | Arrhythmia Conferences | Cardiology Conference 2022

Tracks 3: Cardiology & Infectious Diseases

Infections to heart have been recognized as significant causes of heart diseases. Various microbes such as bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses and may act as agents to cause infection to heart. Any component of the heart structure i.e. pericardium, myocardium, endocardium, valves, autonomic nervous system, and some evidence of coronary arteries can be affected by infectious agents. Imaging Techniques plays an important role in diagnostic evaluation and management of cardiac infections. The likeliness for cardiac infectious complications may increase in the near future, as more mechanical devices are implanted in the growing ageing population.

Recommended: Cardiovascular Infections Conferences | Infectious Diseases Congress | Diagnostic Microbiology Conference | Heart Infections Conference | Cardiology Conference 2022 |  Heart Conferences 2022

Tracks 4: Interventional Cardiology

Interventional cardiology deals with the treatment of structural heart diseases by using a small flexible tube called catheter. The harmed or debilated vessels, narrowed arteries or other affected parts of the heart structure are corrected by catheter. The heart can be subjected to many procedures through catheterization. Cardiac catheterization includes inserting catheter through small holes in the skin, then threading them through blood vessels to remove any blockages in a vessel. The advantage of the interventional cardiology or radiology is that it avoids the scars and pain, and long post-operative recovery.

Recommended: Interventional Cardiology Conferences | Radiology Conferences | Catheter Interventions Conference | Cardiac Catheterization Congress |  Cardiac & Vascular Intervention Meetings

Tracks 5: Cardiovascular Surgery

Cardiovascular surgeries involve the operations on the heart and blood vessels to repair damage caused by diseases or disorders of the cardiovascular system.  If the cardiologist decides that there is a necessity of the surgery, then the patient need to be consulted with the cardiovascular surgeon. These surgeries are generally performed on the heart muscle, valves, arteries and veins, or other parts of the heart. It is generally used to treat complications of ischemic heart disease to correct congenital heart disease or to treat valvular heart disease.

Recommended: Cardiac Surgery Conferences | Cardiovascular Surgery Conference | Surgery Congress | Cardio surgeons Conference | Cardiology Conference 2022 |  Heart Conferences 2022

Tracks 6: Cardiovascular Pharmacology

Cardiovascular Pharmacology deals with the study of the effect of drugs upon the heart or the circulatory system. Cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of hospitalizations and death in the whole world. Developing new therapeutic agents for cardiovascular diseases has always been the priority for the pharmaceutical industry because of the huge potential market for these drugs. Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics will focus primarily on drugs used in the treatment of cardiovascular disease, both current drug classes and those in development. It mainly contributes to the safety profile of potential new drugs and provides pharmacological data that can be used for optimization of further compounds and the ultimate selection of compounds suitable for clinical development.

Recommended: Cardiac Pharmacology Conferences | Cardiac Therapeutics Summit | Pharmacology Congress | Cardiovascular Medicine Conference | Cardiology Conference 2022 |  Heart Conferences 2022

Tracks 7: Neurocardiology

Neurocardiology refers to the pathophysiological interactions of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The specialty that deals with the brain-heart connection is known as Neurocardiology.  A great deal of research has been going on to define the neuroanatomical and functional organization of the autonomic nervous system which controls cardiac function. The neurocardiac axis links the nervous and cardiovascular systems to physiological problems such as: stroke, epilepsy and arrhythmias. The clinical issues in Neurocardiology include the neurogenic stress cardiomyopathy, cardiovascular findings in patients with primary neurological disease, neurologic sequelae of cardiac and thoracic surgery and cardiac interventions and hypoxic-ischemic brain injury.

Recommended: Neurocardiology Conferences | Neurocardiology Meetings | Neurology Congress | Stroke Conference | Neurology Meetings |  Cardiology Conference 2022 |  Heart Conferences 2022

Tracks 8: Cardiac Regeneration

Cardiac Regeneration in other words Heart Regeneration aims to correct irreversibly damaged heart tissue with cutting-edge science, including cell-free and stem cell therapy. The basic idea of regeneration came into existence due to the innate ability to regenerate in animals. Regenerating an injured heart holds great promise for millions of patients suffering from heart problems. As the human heart has very limited regenerative capacity, this is a challenging task.  Cardiomyocytes in the adult human heart appear to turn over at a very low rate, estimated at 0.5–1% per year. The low rate of cardiomyogenesis is not sufficient to compensate for the enormous loss of cells after injury such as myocardial infarction. Various strategies aiming to improve heart function have been developed. Various strategies for engineering the reparative tools have been developed to restore the damaged heart tissue and function using body's natural ability to regenerate itself. The cardiac specialists are finding regenerative solutions that restore, renew and recycle patients' own reparative capacity.  The innovations in the field of stem cell, reprogramming technologies, understanding of the cardiomyocyte genetic program and key extrinsic signals helped to undertake further study on heart regeneration. Strategies to enhance heart regeneration have potential to counteract the high morbidity and mortality of cardiovascular disease.

Recommended: Cardiac Regeneration Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Meetings | Cardiac Stem Cell Congress | Regeneration Conference | Cardiovascular Therapeutics Conference | Cardiology Conference 2022 |  Heart Conferences 2022

Track 9: Cardio-Oncology

Cardio-oncology is a term to describe the efforts to prevent or treat patients with cancer who face heart problems due to cancer treatments. Cardio-oncology involves oncologistscardiologists and researchers work together. New therapies are helping the patients to live longer, but that means they also need ongoing cancer treatments that may damage their hearts. Many of the survivors are at risk for heart disease and heart problems and now will live long enough after their cancer treatments to develop heart disease. In addition to it, some medications for cancer treatment contribute for the damage of heart. The field of cardio-oncology is growing at a faster rate because the survivors after cancer therapies are more prone to develop cardiovascular disease. The increase in carcinogenesis in the world has led to the emergence of numerous chemotherapeutic agents which are under preclinical or clinical studies. The cardiotoxic effects of chemotherapy can be decreased by the concurrent use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers or beta-blockers. The use of diagnostic imaging, noninvasive stress testing, serum biomarkers, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and ambulatory cardiac telemetry can help to identify cardiotoxicities and lead to the development of preventative strategies.

Recommended: Cardio-oncology Conferences | Cardiotoxicity Meetings | Cardiac Biomarkers Congress | Cardiovascular Care Conference | Cardiology Conference 2022 |  Heart Conferences 2022

Track 10: Pediatric Cardiology

Pediatric cardiology deals with diseases of the heart in the growing and developing individual. It focuses on the therapeutic conclusion and treatment of preventing both congenital and acquired heart disease in children. Evaluation and treatment may begin with the fetus since heart problems can be detected before birth through the current technological advancements. Knowledge of the symptoms and signs of heart disease and skill in distinguishing the abnormal from the normal physical exam is crucial for the general pediatrician and it still remains the primary screening tool for all age children. A pediatric cardiologist evaluates and cares for fetuses, neonates, infants, children, adolescents, young adults, and adults. He is trained to perform and interpret procedures such as electrocardiogramsechocardiograms and exercise tests. In cases of more significant heart disease, he may also perform a cardiac catheterization to diagnose or treat the child's heart problem. When there is a necessity of hospitalization, the pediatric cardiologist and pediatric cardiac surgeon work together in planning cardiac surgery.

Recommended: Pediatric Cardiology Conferences | Neonatal Meetings | Pediatrics Congress | Pediatric Care Conference | Conference on Pediatrics and Pediatric Cardiology | Cardiology Conference 2022 |  Heart Conferences 2022

Track 11: Geriatric Cardiology

Geriatric cardiology or cardiogeriatrics deals with the cardiovascular diagnosis and management of heart disease in the elderly population. As the population gets older, the risk to develop cardiovascular disease increases and more prone to suffer their consequences. CVD is usually more hazardous in older patients. It often erupts with multiple simultaneous CVD processes and in combination with non-cardiac pathologies. Such combination of multi system diseases are more liable to overwhelm the diminished CV reserve capacity of aging, thus leading to adverse outcomes. The prevalence of diastolic and systolic heart failure, atrial fibrillation, aortic stenosis and electrical conduction defects increases with age, resulting in a significant burden of cardiovascular disease. To fulfill the needs of care for the growing geriatric population, future cardiologists require education specifically directed at appropriate evaluation and risk stratification of elderly patients. Cardiovascular disease at elderly age is superimposed on the cardiovascular changes of aging, most of which underlie many common disorders of aging and limit the physiologic compensatory mechanisms for disease.

Recommended: Geriatric Cardiology Conferences | Cardiogeriatrics Meetings | Geriatrics Congress | Geriatric Care Conference | Conference on Geriatric Cardiology | Cardiology Conference 2022 |  Heart Conferences 2022

Track 12: Nuclear Cardiology

Nuclear Cardiology is a non-invasive method for studying cardiovascular diseases using nuclear imaging techniques. These techniques are used to assess myocardial blood flow, evaluate the pumping function of the heart as well as visualize the size and location of a heart attack. Among the techniques of nuclear cardiology, myocardial perfusion imaging (nuclear stress tests) is the most widely used. The test usually involves injecting radioactive dye, then taking two sets of images of your heart — one at rest and another after exertion. The result shows the areas with poor blood flow or damage in the heart. A nuclear stress test is one of several types of stress tests that may be performed alone or in combination. Nuclear medicine imaging provides unique information that often cannot be obtained using other imaging procedures and offers the potential to identify disease in its earliest stages.

Recommended: Nuclear Cardiology Conferences | Cardiac Imaging Conferences | Echocardiography Conference | Nuclear Cardiology Congress | Nuclear Medicine Congress | Cardiology Conference 2022 |  Heart Conferences 2022

Track 13: Cardiometabolic diseases

With the increase of obesity, diabetes and hypertension among the people in the current days there has been a parallel increase in the incidence and prevalence of cardiometabolic complications. Cardiometabolic complications are multifactorial diseases mainly characterized by insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and central adiposity and a wide spectrum of different factors including changes in living environments, diets, lifestyles, genetic, and epigenetic factors may be involved.  People with Cardiometabolic syndrome are two times more likely to die from coronary heart disease and three times more likely to have a stroke or heart attack than those who do not have the syndrome. Now it is known that central adiposity is a major contributor to increased cardiometabolic risk. Around 25% of the world’s adult population are suffering from this syndrome. The lifestyle changes and new drugs will have a significant role in reducing the multiple cardiometabolic risk factors. The regular checkup of Blood pressure, Blood Cholesterol, Waist Circumference and Blood Sugar will keep the individual to have a track on the risk of cardiometabolic disease.

Recommended:  Cardiometabolic diseases Conferences | Metabolic Syndrome Conferences | Metabolomics Conference | Diabetes Summit | Hypertension Congress | Obesity Congress | Cardiology Conference 2022 |  Heart Conferences 2022

Track 14: Cardiovascular Devices

Cardiovascular devices are used to diagnose and treat heart disease and related health problems. The major categories of cardiovascular devices are: Cardiac rhythm management devices, interventional cardiac devices and cardiac prosthetic devices. Now a day’s lithium-iodide systems form the basic power supply of modern implantable devices. These have a significant advancement both in terms of longevity and convenience. The Implantable Loop Recorders small wireless electronic devices that can be set to automatically to detect an abnormal rhythm without using the activator and it can be implanted subcutaneously close to the heart in a minor surgical procedure. The life of battery lasts for two years and the devices can continuously monitor the electrical activity of the heart, store rhythm disturbances within set parameters and can be triggered by patients to store events. An Implantable Loop Recorders-guided strategy was shown to be safe and efficacious in directing therapy in patients with unexplained syncope.

Recommended: Cardiovascular Devices Conferences | Cardiac  Devices Conference | Heart Device Conferences |  Cardiac Implants Cardiology Conference 2022 |  Heart Conferences 2022

 Track 15: Cardiac Nursing

Cardiac nursing refers to the process of taking care of the patients suffering from cardiovascular system. It involves advanced cardiovascular care for patients. It includes the surgical tests, stress tests, cardiac monitoring and heath assessments. A cardiac nurse or cardiac care nurse is an expertise who cares specifically for patients with heart issues. They will treat patients who are experiencing different sorts of heart problems under the direction of cardiologists. Cardiac nurses work in many different environments, including coronary care units (CCU), intensive care units (ICU), cardiac catheterization, cardiovascular intensive care units (CVICU), operating theatres, cardiac rehabilitation centers, clinical research, cardiac surgery wards and cardiac medical wards.

Recommended: Cardiovascular Nursing Conferences | Cardiac Nursing Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Cardiac Care Meetings

Track 16: Digital Health and Cardiology

Digital Health is the use of information and communication technologies to treat patients, conduct research, educate healthcare specialists, track diseases and monitor the public health. From big data and electronic health records to wearable devices and mobile apps, digital health is transforming healthcare.  Digital health technologies have flooded the consumer marketplace from past few years. The focus is on wireless mobile health (mHealth) tools, including smartphone applications, wearables and smart devices such as blood pressure cuffs, glucosensors and digital weight scales. Telehealth, artificial intelligence and video visits also fall under the umbrella of digital health. Digital health technologies have the potential to transform health care delivery, but most technology companies are targeting consumer products rather than developing digital tools for clinicians to integrate into clinical care.

Recommended:  Digital Health Conferences | Cardiology and Digital Health | Mobile Health  Conference | Digital Health in Cardiology | Cardiovascular Health Maps | Cardiology Conference 2022 |  Heart Conferences 2022

Track 17: Advances in Cardiology

Advances in Cardiology presents the current thinking of international experts regarding the underlying mechanisms of cardiovascular risk, pathogenesis and pathophysiology of heart and its related disorders It uncovers the current research and innovative methods that are emerging in the field of cardiology and in its related fields. It also allows the early detection of heart problem and in turn helps to halt or reverse the progress of the disease. It focuses on the research related to heart devices, Regenerative Medicine, development of techniques of Nuclear Cardiology for the detection of heart disease, drug development and evaluation of treatments used in heart disease, identification of novel biological markers to predict the presence of heart disease and many more.

Recommended:  Advances in Cardiology Conference | Future of Cardiovascular Medicine Conferences | Innovations in Cardiology |  Cardiovascular Innovations | Cardiology Conference 2022 |  Heart Conferences 2022

Track 18: Cardiology Case Reports

A cardiology case report includes a demographic profile of patient but usually describe an unusual or novel occurrence. It highlights on cardiovascular issue and diseases and help in advancement and progression of strategies to eradicate the disorder. These documentations become the basic for further case series, reviews and studies. The medical cases provide valuable experience for clinicians, students and paramedical staff members. Rare medical reports and conditions discovered through the latest methods of examination are energized under this session. The study of diagnostic methods from medical cases and the interpretation of symptoms is significant to train and burgeon the thought processes which are being used in the clinical field.

Recommended: Cardiology Case Reports Conferences |  Medical Case Report Conferences | Clinical Case Reports Conference | Case Reports Congress | Cardiology Conference 2022 |  Heart Conferences 2022



Market analysis

Hospitals Associated with Cardiology Surgery Research:

Members Associated with Cardiology:

The global cardiovascular therapeutic drug market was worth $140.7 billion in 2009, and is expected to grow by a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.7% to $144.5 billion in 2010.  This market will experience a sizable reduction in the early portion of the forecast period, and then slowly rise to reach $139.8 billion in 2015, a CAGR of -0.7%.

Importance and Scope

Coronary ailments illustrate a scope of conditions that affect your heart. Heart surrenders you're conceived with i.e. inborn heart surrenders, Rheumatic coronary illness, Hypertensive coronary illness, Ischemic coronary illness, Hypertension and numerous more. Coronary angiography was consumed as a part of 85.2% of patients before the interpolation. The Euro Heart Survey (EHS) database has been started entreaty to assumption and cure of cardiovascular ailments in clinical practice. To preserve the rate of cardiovascular (CV) malady, by executing procedures to lessen the weight of CV chance elements and frequency of CV sickness, and create proper models for solid CV lifestyle, this universal instance is a push to locate an option for obtrusive imaging method against heart ailments and heart disappointment conditions in grown-ups and kids.

World Wide:

  • Academic Medical Centre, Netherlands
  • Medipol University, Turkey
  • Netherlands Heart Institute, Netherland
  • University of Lorraine, France
  • Yerevan State Medical University, Armenia
  • Medical University of Graz, Austria
  • Paracelsus Private Medical University of Salzburg, Austria
  • University of Groningen, Netherlands
  • Harvard University, USA
  • University of Oxford, UK
  • University of Cambridge, UK
  • Johns Hopkins University, Maryland
  • Stanford University, USA
  • Yale University, USA
  • University of California, Los Angeles
  • University of Melbourne, Australia
  • University of Geneva, Switzerland
  • University of Bern, Germany

Societies Associated with Cardiology:

  • The American Heart Association (AHA)
  • American College of Cardiology
  • Heart Failure Society of America (HFSA)
  • American Society of Echocardiography (ASE)
  • Alliance of Cardiovascular Professionals (ACVP)
  • American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP)

Some Major Cardiac Research Centres:

  • K.G. Jebsen Cardiac Research Centre
  • Heart Failure Research Center
  • George M. & Linda H. Kaufman Center for Heart Failure
  • Research Department for Heart Failure
  • Heart Failure Transplant Research

The global cardiology market includes interventional and cardiovascular devices. Global interventional cardiology surgery, devices and drugs market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.3% for the forecasted period of 2017-2021. North America is the leading market with highest market share. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.9 percent. North American marker is followed by Europe, Asia-Pacific and rest of the world. Asia Pacific market is expected to have highest CAGR of 9.5% for the forecasted period of 2020-2025.  

Hospitals Associated with the Cardiology:

  • Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice v Praze
  • Ústav pro Péči O Matku a DítÄ›
  • Nemocnice na Františku
  • Fakultní nemocnice v  Motole
  • Fakultní Nemocnice Královské Vinohrady
  • Gynekologicko-porodnická klinika VFN
  • Thomayerova nemocnice
  • Poliklinika I.P.Pavlova
  • Nemocnice na Bulovce
  • Psychiatrická léčebna Bohnice
  • Gynekologicko-porodnická klinika
  • Asklepion Medical Center
  • Poliklinika Parník Medical Centers
  • Mediscan Group
  • Poliklinika Mazurská
  • Moje Ambulance
  • Poliklinika Medifin


  • Johns Hopkins Hospital
  • Northwestern Memorial Hospital
  • Hospitals of the University of Pennsylvania-Penn Presbyterian
  • Mount Sinai Hospital
  • Sentara Norfolk General Hospital-Sentara Heart Hospital
  • Texas Heart Institute at Baylor St. Luke's Medical Center
  • Beaumont Hospital-Royal Oak
  • Minneapolis Heart Institute at Abbott Northwestern Hospital
  • Vanderbilt University Medical Center
  • Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center
  • University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers
  • Duke University Hospital
  • Brigham and Women's Hospital
  • Barnes-Jewish Hospital
  • UCLA Medical Center
  • Stanford Health Care-Stanford Hospital
  • Heart Hospital Baylor Plano
  • Cleveland Clinic
  • Mayo Clinic
  • New York-Presbyterian Hospital
  • Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
  • Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Houston Methodist Hospital
  • Loyola University Medical Center
  • NYU Langone Medical Center
  • UPMC Presbyterian Shadyside
  • Scripps La Jolla Hospitals
  • Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
  • UCSF Medical Center
  • University of Alabama at Birmingham Hospital
  • University of Colorado Hospital

Industries Associated with Cardiology:

  • Pfizer pharmaceutical company 
  • Sanofi pharmaceutical company 
  • Merck pharmaceutical company 
  • AstraZeneca pharmaceutical company 
  • Gilead Sciences and health care
  • Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical manufacturer company
  • Novartis pharmaceutical company ltd.
  • Roche pharmaceutical company 
  • Ocean Health Care Industries
  • Clinton Industries Inc

Cardiology Associations:

  • Czech Acute Cardiac care Association
  • Czech Association of Outpatient Cardiology
  • Czech Interventional Cardiology Association
  • Czech Heart Rhytmus  Association
  • Czech Heart Failure Association
  • Czech Cardiovascular Imaging Methods
  • Working Group on Valve Heart Disease
  • Working Group on Myocardial and Pericardiac Diseases
  • Working Group on Young Cardiologists
  • KardioTech
  • Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy
  • Working Group on Cardiovascular Rehabilitation
  • Working Group on Nurses in Cardiology
  • Working Group on Preventive Cardiology.


Participation / Presentation option

Oral presentation: Oral Presentations may include the topics from researches, theoretical, professional or private practices in a concise manner. Individuals with personal experience are also welcome to present personal experience or narratives which help others in everyday life.

Speakers with a 30-minute the slot should plan to speak for 20-25 minutes, and Keynote speakers should plan to speak for 40-45 minutes, with the remaining time to be used for questions and discussion by the Session Chair.

Workshop: For workshop presenters also, the topic of the talk will be the same as Oral presentation with more specialized techniques and detailed demonstration. The generalized time duration for a workshop presentation is about 45-50 minutes. Interested participants can join with their respective team and present the workshop with their research coordinators with special group waivers on registration.

Poster presentation: Student Poster Competition will be organized at Materials Science 2022 conference is to encourage students and recent graduates to present their original research. Presenters will be given about 5-7 minutes to present the poster including questions and answers. Judges may ask questions during the evaluation of the presentation. This is an opportunity for young scientists to learn about the recent findings of their peers to increase their capacity as multidisciplinary researchers. Poster displays will be in hard copy format of 1x1 M long.

For more details regarding Poster Presentation and Judging Criteria view Poster Presentation Guidelines.

Webinar: The webinar presentation is designed for those interested attendees who cannot join in person due to schedule conflicts or other obligations. In this option, the presenter may record the presentation and their presentation will be presented in the Webinar presentation session.

E-Poster: e-Poster is also similar to the webinar presentation. In this session, their presentation will be published in the form of a poster in the conference website and the presenter abstract will be published in the conference souvenir and journal with DOI.

Exhibition: Cardiology Summit 2022 has the opportunity to exhibit the products and services from commercial and non-commercial organizations like Scientists, Research Professors, Research Scholars and students Engineering professors and faculty, Members of different material science associations, Chemists, Pharmacists, Business delegates and Equipment Manufacturers.

To know more about exhibitor booth details and benefits visit WHY TO EXHIBIT WITH US?

Advertisement: The conference program is a valuable resource that all attendees refer again and again as they navigate the conference. Advertising in the conference program is a great way to market and can help you secure long term business.

Sponsor Cardiology Summit 2022

Premium Sponsorship package

Additional Sponsorship package


Conference Benefits

Attendees will have the following benefits:

  • Exclusive Sessions and Panel discussions on latest innovations in Cardiology
  • Lectures by the active Investigators
  • Keynote forums by Renowned Speakers
  • Plenary Speaker Forum
  • Poster Sessions on latest Innovation in all the relevant Areas
  • Panel discussions and interactive sessions.
  • Open Innovation Challenges
  • Poster Sessions on every career stage
  • YRF (Young Research Forum)
  • B2B Meetings
  • Global Networking with 50+ Countries
  • Novel techniques to benefit your cardiology research
  • Best platform for Global business and Networking opportunities
  • Meet the editors of refereed cardiology journals, Society and Heart Association members across the Globe
  • Excellent platform to showcase the latest products in Cardiology and affiliates

Cardiology Summit 2022 is going Hybrid! There will be both an in-person conference and a virtual conference since some people may not be able to travel due to the pandemic situation or its economic impact

We strongly believe that this Cardiology Summit 2022 will be a huge success and exceed our expectations extremely.

We look forward to your active participation at the global forum!!


  • Expert Level (Scientific Service Achievement Award)
  • The award to the experts who have made outstanding contributions to advancing in Cardiology. It is the most prestigious award of the whole conference and is tagged as scientific service Achievement award. The eligibility criteria for achieving this award is that one should have minimum of 20+ years of experience in the relative field in public or private sector. The receiver of this award should have a dedicated fascination and should take initiative in researching the recent trends and developments towards the related subjects. You can nominate deserving of the award through online.
  • Professional Level (The Research Contribution Award)
  • The Award for professional or academic research activity acquired in Cardiology research field in the public or private sector for experts having research knowledge at 10+ years in the field of Cardiology with most relevant accomplishments. Part-time research experience would be counted as pro-rata. It is calculated starting from the date when you obtained the (first) degree entitling you to embark on a doctorate (either in the country in which the degree was obtained or in the country in which the researcher is recruited), even if a doctorate was never started or envisaged. You can nominate deserving of the award through online.
  • Scholar Level (The Upcoming Researcher Award)
  • The conference offers Scholar Level Award for the upcoming scientists, researchers and experts having 10+ years research experience in the field of Cardiology. Our conference would like to provide best platform to expand your network by sharing your research knowledge at stage. Presentation includes 25-30 minutes of oral talk on the scientific research topics based on the theme of the conference along with 5 minutes panel discussions. You can nominate deserving of the award through online.
  • Women Scientist (The Women of Science Award)
  • Our Conference provides a unique platform for women scientists for presenting latest research projects with an in-depth analysis. We cordially invite women scholars and scientists from Universities/ Industries to who have 10+ years of research experience to join the forum. We are happy to encourage our women scientist’s participants through research awards and provide assistance for women scholars in career development and research guidance through our collaborations. Women Scientist can nominate deserving of the award through online.
  • Outstanding speaker in Cardio Care 2021
  • This award is recognizing for individual who will present their projects, strategies, and schemes that have been implemented to improve long-term excellence in Cardiology. You can nominate deserving of the award through online
  • Best Keynote Speaker in Cardio Care 2021
  • This award is recognizes for best Keynote speaker who will present their projects, strategies, and schemes that have been implemented to improve long-term excellence in Cardiology. if you were confirmed as keynote presenter from the program manager, you can nominate someone deserving of the award through online
  • Best Poster Presentation in Cardio Care 2021
  • Student Poster Competition is organized at Conference, to encourage students and recent graduates to present their original research. All accepted abstracts will be presented at the poster sessions during the conference. Conference Series aims at setting a platform for all the budding scientists and researchers to present their real-time work and share their views and aspects related to the theme of the conference. You can nominate someone deserving of the award through online.
  • Outstanding Masters/Ph.D./Post Doctorate thesis work Presentation in Cardio Care 2021
  • This award is recognizing for Masters/Ph.D./Post Doctorate thesis work Presentation who will present their projects and thesis that have been implemented to improve long-term excellence in the field of Cardiology. You can nominate deserving of the award through online. You can nominate someone deserving of the award through online.


VISA Requirements

CARDIOLOGY SUMMIT 2022 organizing committee hereby reiterates that we are NOT involved in VISA processing. We can assist by providing supporting documents like a Letter of invitation, Letter of Abstract Acceptance and Registration Payment Receipt.

You may be required to submit additional documents along with these documents to the embassy.

Letter of Invitation: The official Letter of Invitation is proof that your submitted paper and registration application are accepted by the conference committee board. It will be stated in English and may help you in your visa application.

* Only registered participants will get an official letter of invitation

* Attendees need to finish Registration & Authenticated information submission to get an official letter of invitation [i.e., Passport (Scan copy), DOB, Mobile Number, Physical Address and Photograph].

*Contact program manager for more information

• Official Letters of Invitations will be provided only to attend the conference.


To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date August 08-09, 2022

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Past Conference Report

Supported By

Journal of Interventional and General Cardiology Journal of Invasive and Non-Invasive Cardiology Current Trends in Cardiology

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by

Media partners & Collaborators & Sponsors


Media Partner


Media Partner


Media Partner


Media Partner


Media Partner


Media Partner


Media Partner


Media Partner


Media Partner


  • Advances In Cardiology Education
  • Angiology
  • Blood And Lymphoid System
  • Cardiac Surgery
  • Cardio Devices - Industry Analysis
  • Cardiologists
  • Cardiologists Training And Education
  • Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology
  • Cardiothoracic Case Report
  • Cardiothoracic Diseases
  • Cardiothoracic Surgery
  • Cardiothoracic Surgery
  • Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery
  • Cardiovascular Disease Prevention
  • Cardiovascular Disease Treatments
  • Cardiovascular Genetics
  • Cardiovascular Medicine
  • Cardiovascular Nursing
  • Cardiovascular Rehabilitation
  • Cardiovascular Surgeries
  • Cardiovascular Testing
  • Case Reports On Cardiology
  • Clinical Trials In Cardiology
  • Coronary Artery Disease
  • Diagnosis Of Cardiothoracic Diseases
  • Electrocardiography
  • Entrepreneurs Investment Meet
  • Geriatric Cardiology
  • Heart Disease
  • Implant Devices
  • Medical Management For Cardiothoracic Diseases
  • Pediatrics Cardiac Surgery
  • Recent Innovations In Cardiothoracic Surgery
  • Sports Cardiology
  • Thoracic Surgeons Updates Meeting
  • Thoracic Surgery
  • Valve Replacement
  • Vascular Nursing
  • Vein Stripping
  • Venous Thrombosis